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All Stickers are in the awesome APNG format. If you don't see the animation: your browser is a dinosaur. Donate it to your local museum.

Cry Some More (animated) Cry Some More (static) Cry Some More - assumed command: /sticker Cry Some More
While visiting Action Island, you punched the tears of a weeping muscleman directly back into his eyes, then flew off in search of even more action! - Obtainable: Genre 1 (Action), Choice 1.

Destination, Unknown! (animated) Destination, Unknown! (static) Destination, Unknown! - assumed command: /sticker Destination, Unknown!
While searching for Action Island, you stumbled on Directions Island. They tried to rip you off with an overpriced $12 map, which you wisely refused to buy! - Obtainable: Genre 1 (Action), Choice 2.

Lead Poisoning! (animated) Lead Poisoning! (static) Lead Poisoning! - assumed command: /sticker Lead Poisoning!
You were trapped in a room, but escaped by bravely eating lead key parts and getting heroically rushed to the hospital! - Obtainable: Genre 2 (Adventure), Choice 1.

Twenty Years Pass... (animated) Twenty Years Pass... (static) Twenty Years Pass... - assumed command: /sticker Twenty Years Pass...
Trapped in a room with only a phone and some key parts, you devised a diabolical, door-destroying 20-year plan that paid off with a lucrative telemarketing job! - Obtainable: Genre 2 (Adventure), Choice 2.

Fantasy Genius (animated) Fantasy Genius (static) Fantasy Genius - assumed command: /sticker Fantasy Genius
You raced blindly towards danger without a protective vest or goatee! You’re one step closer to reclaiming The Helmet of Ebonmorrow! - Obtainable: Genre 3 (RPG), Choice 1.

You Look Great (animated) You Look Great (static) You Look Great - assumed command: /sticker You Look Great
You realized a true Heir of Ebonmorrow needs a sensible eight hours of sleep before embarking on a quest! - Obtainable: Genre 3 (RPG), Choice 2.

Keep Those Hands Up (animated) Keep Those Hands Up (static) Keep Those Hands Up - assumed command: /sticker Keep Those Hands Up
Some laughed when you said boxing was the key to reading. They’re not laughing now. Your unorthodox techniques worked. Now Sauron is reading at a 7th grade level! - Obtainable: Genre 4 (Strategy), Choice 1.

Watership Down (animated) Watership Down (static) Watership Down - assumed command: /sticker Watership Down
You employed reverse psychology to drive Sauron to greatness. He may hate you, but he loved Watership Down! - Obtainable: Genre 4 (Strategy), Choice 2.

Flawless Pancakes (animated) Flawless Pancakes (static) Flawless Pancakes - assumed command: /sticker Flawless Pancakes
You tried to bully your way into being the Savior of Centauri. You weren’t chosen, but on the bright side, you won’t be getting killed by Baron Fornax. - Obtainable: Genre 5 (Sim), Choice 1.

Bus Ride (animated) Bus Ride (static) Bus Ride - assumed command: /sticker Bus Ride
The Metrosoft execs loved your story pitch. Now you’re creative director on an in-development survival horror bus title starring Troy Baker as the bus. - Obtainable: Genre 5 (Sim), Choice 2.

Good Boy (animated) Good Boy (static) Good Boy - assumed command: /sticker Good Boy
You massaged Mr. Peanut Muffin’s ego into victory position! - Obtainable: Genre 6 (Sports), Choice 1.

Flaming Car Husk (animated) Flaming Car Husk (static) Flaming Car Husk - assumed command: /sticker Flaming Car Husk
You sabotaged Mr. Peanut Muffin’s rivals to ensure none of them saw the finish line! - Obtainable: Genre 6 (Sports), Choice 2.

Spider Babies (animated) Spider Babies (static) Spider Babies - assumed command: /sticker Spider Babies
You learned two things during your action-filled adventure to Spider Cave. 1. Spiders aren’t bears. 2. You’re about to give birth to 30 spider babies! - Obtainable: Genre 7 (Horror), Choice 1.

Sgghrhh… (animated) Sgghrhh… (static) Sgghrhh… - assumed command: /sticker Sgghrhh…
You challenged a spider to a battle of wits. Unsurprisingly, spiders don’t understand your language, so it cheated! - Obtainable: Genre 7 (Horror), Choice 2.

Your Face (animated) Your Face (static) Your Face - assumed command: /sticker Your Face
You heroically escaped Superbike Island by plane! But in doing so may have fearlessly doomed humanity! - Obtainable: Genre 8 (Survival), Choice 1.

Sick Trick (animated) Sick Trick (static) Sick Trick - assumed command: /sticker Sick Trick
You outwitted the superbikes, forcing them to triple backflip themselves to death. But your celebration is short lived, for soon the Night Bikes are coming... - Obtainable: Genre 8 (Survival), Choice 2.

Assassinaire (animated) Assassinaire (static) Assassinaire - assumed command: /sticker Assassinaire
You heroically assassinairated 50 city guards in broad daylight! - Obtainable: Genre 9 (Open), Choice 1.

Feathers (animated) Feathers (static) Feathers - assumed command: /sticker Feathers
Ever the cunning Assassinaire, you avoided a fight with the city guards by bribing them with precious feathers! - Obtainable: Genre 9 (Open), Choice 2.

Modest Luxury (animated) Modest Luxury (static) Modest Luxury - assumed command: /sticker Modest Luxury
You confronted PsiGenTech and forced them to pay you $37,000! You’re now ready to settle into a life of modest luxury! - Obtainable: Genre 10 (SciFi), Choice 1.

Neon Breeze (animated) Neon Breeze (static) Neon Breeze - assumed command: /sticker Neon Breeze
You did the one thing the corporate overlords didn’t expect: You gave away your precious IP for free. Take that, corporations! - Obtainable: Genre 10 (SciFi), Choice 2.

Wow, That Hurt (animated) Wow, That Hurt (static) Wow, That Hurt - assumed command: /sticker Wow, That Hurt
You defeated the mysterious gunman by bravely taking the bullet out of his gun and placing it squarely in your chest. Now bulletless, he can’t shoot anyone else! - Obtainable: Genre 11 (Mystery), Choice 1.

Pacifist (animated) Pacifist (static) Pacifist - assumed command: /sticker Pacifist
You solved the mystery of The Case of The Gun In Your Face by cleverly agreeing to give the gunman whatever he wants! - Obtainable: Genre 11 (Mystery), Choice 2.

Space Fire (animated) Space Fire (static) Space Fire - assumed command: /sticker Space Fire
You recklessly leapt into action, igniting the pork-flavored gas jets in your spaceship’s indoor gas fireplace! - Obtainable: Genre 12 (Space), Choice 1.

Peace in Space (animated) Peace in Space (static) Peace in Space - assumed command: /sticker Peace in Space
You thoughtfully built a lasting peace, which you then immediately destroyed by launching all of your missiles! - Obtainable: Genre 12 (Space), Choice 2.

Hey, Terry (animated) Hey, Terry (static) Hey, Terry - assumed command: /sticker Hey, Terry
You valiantly charged a group of skeletons, who then politely gave you directions! - Obtainable: Genre 13 (Roguelike), Choice 1.

Walk, Don't Run (animated) Walk, Don't Run (static) Walk, Don't Run - assumed command: /sticker Walk, Don't Run
You escaped the Neverending Dungeon by exploiting and infiltrating its sensible fire safety plan! - Obtainable: Genre 13 (Roguelike), Choice 2.

Oblivion Technique (animated) Oblivion Technique (static) Oblivion Technique - assumed command: /sticker Oblivion Technique
You unleashed the power of the Oblivion Technique, forcing your nemesis to retreat to the safety of his Tampa-based auto parts empire! - Obtainable: Genre 14 (Anime), Choice 1.

Sincere Apology Technique (animated) Sincere Apology Technique (static) Sincere Apology Technique - assumed command: /sticker Sincere Apology Technique
You unleashed the empathetic power of your emotional intelligence, crushing your enemy in a wave of understanding! - Obtainable: Genre 14 (Anime), Choice 2.

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